Poland, Jizera Mountains, 2011

Libera took the photo inspired by a May 25, 2011 article from the Egypt Independent titled Child Soldiers. The term "child soldiers" refers to individuals under the age of 18. Child soldiers are members of government forces and other military groups. They are victims, witnesses, participants, perpetrators of mass exterminations. They take part in direct combat, serve as messengers, cooks, spies, porters, liaisons, living shields.Girls are used as sex slaves. Often as trophies of war. The earliest documented cases of children used in wars date back to antiquity. In Poland, the phenomenon has been reported since pre-partition times. Mass exploitation of child soldiers in Poland occurred during the Nazi occupation, especially during the Warsaw Uprising. In the name of patriotic upbringing in families, school and scouting, 5840 children between the ages of ten and seventeen took part in the Warsaw Uprising, as well as 2912 eighteen-year-olds. Almost all of them died. It is estimated that 300,000 children are currently conscripted into armed groups around the world. Since 1990, more than 1.6 million children have died on the battlefield.